
let's blog this!

soooooooo….we finally have a blog and for our first post - we’re totally showing you how many sale cards we prepared this week! daaaaaaaang. are you ready for this number?

15,500 cards. and that’s literal, not figurative…lol.

there will be sale cards floating around all of the area schools this week equaling half the population of zanesville. hahahahaha….this rocks. and that brings us to the reason we wanted to start this blog so suddenly (we’re working on a breand new custom SICKKKK blog too by the way) and that was to blog the ENTIRE SALE from our “secret location” in columbus on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. this is going to be sooooo fun. we’re gonna be posting constantly to keep everyone posted and watch us waking up looking crazy and bed-headed. lol. it’s gonna own.

until then…check out these pictures (crappy quality from an iPhone, sorry) of the ENORMOUS amount of sale cards we just got in, and then distributed to our freaking AWESOME TMs this week. it was nuts getting these things together. we’ll be back with more ASAP.

we’ll see you later and we’re glad we’re finally here. in bloglannnnnnd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! The cards look great!